Weekly Internet Business
and Marketing Workshop
Every Week we cover a different topic to help you work with and establish your online business. Attend live and ask questions or watch the replay.
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Frequently Asked Questions

I Can't Make it Live On Tuesdays or Saturdays at 8:30 PM EST...Will There Be a Replay?
Yes, every session will have a replay available. Make sure you're signed up on our email list and we'll see to it that you hear about every replay.

Can I Be Non-Technical And Still benefit?
Yes, the point of these workshops is to help people who aren't necessarily computer savvy, but that still need to use the internet to reach their customers.

Why Are You Doing This...are You Looking for High Priced Clients?
As a trainer, I create and sell classes to online marketers. One of the ways I make sure that the courses I sell to them are relevant is to use them to teach real people and business owners like you. So, every week, you'll have an opportunity to learn more about the subject through one of our Harper Academy courses, books or discs.

Can You Give Me One on One Help with My Business?
Because my primary role as course creator and trainer requires quite a bit of time, I have very few if any personal clients and do not have a published rate. However, we do have a regular Q and A for anyone that is part of our monthly program.

Are you available for interviews, speaking and private training?
In some cases, I can be available although it is rare due to my production schedule. Please use the contact form and allow us at least 72 - 96 hours to respond to speaking requests.